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Cette publication est un portrait d’un pays à travers son art et son peuple : l’artiste Duncan Wylie a réalisé deux gravures : portraits de femmes Zimbabwéennes qui ont fait parti de l’histoire du livre :
22 photographies publiées dans le livre sont disponibles à la vente en tirage limitées aussi.
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1. Memory Dzinganisa, with Tonga grass skirt and clay beads.
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2. Tonga sleeping hut on stilts, ngazi.
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3. Malindidzimu, ‘the place of our ancestors,’ also gravesite of Cecil John Rhodes.
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4. Two stone birds of Great Zimbabwe, photographed in the Eastern Enclosure overlooking the main ruins in the valley below.
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5. N’anga, Shona Spirit Medium and Healer Diviner, Murewa.
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6. Sacred staff, flywhisk and snake vertebrae adornments of the N’anga, Shona Spirit Medium.
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7. Bakatwa, ritual ‘dagger,’ symbol of transcendent authority and carried by the Shona Spirit Mediums.
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8. Ndau Spirit Medium and her symbolic staff, mangwato, Chipinge 1982.
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9. Ndau dancers celebrating possession by the madanda ancestral spirits, Chipinge 1982.
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10. Tonga water pots burnished with ochre, gudza, hand woven bark fibre blanket.
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11. Traditional clay hearth and pots, Mudzi.
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12. Herbalist with detailed knowledge of over 80 indigenous medicinal herbs, plants, bark and seeds, Murewa.
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13. Nalatale, 17th Century capital of the Torwa dynasty.
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14. Ukano, Shona symbolic axe carried by the Spirit Mediums and Chiefs.
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15. Spirit Medium’s horn medicine container, gona; flywhisk, muswe; ndoro, base of the conch shell - symbol of sacred and secular authority. (Shona)
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16. Tonga men’s stools with distinctive chevron patterns.
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17. Spirit Medium, Buhera 1982.
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18. Pfumo, ritual spears of the Shona Spirit Medium.
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19. Rugwako, Shona spoons, two with symbolic breasts honouring the woman’s place in the family.
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20. Interior, Shona traditional living space, clay walls burnished with ochre and graphite, raised chikuva with three-tiered pots - shrine to family ancestors. Murewa.
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21. Detail of the clay pots which sit on the chikuva, shrine to family ancestors, Shona.
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22. Interior of a family living space, Mudzi. Clay shelves incorporate the female form, walls and shelves are burnished with graphite.
Ces photographies, 40 x 50cm, tirées en 10 exemplaires, sont en vente à €240. Contactez-nous.